Harris County Commissioner
Precinct 3

Saucy Code

One random night, I stumbled upon Harris County RP and had the chance encounter of meeting two members. They enlightened me about the various departments the server offered at that time, sparking my interest enough to stick around and see what it had to offer.

Before joining, I had no prior experience in moderation. However, I did bring some skills to the table as a map and model builder for a few role-play groups.


As the Commissioner of Precinct 3 and Head Administrator of Fleet Operations, I oversee the Harris County Fleet Operations Division, ensuring that all vehicles and related resources are managed efficiently. My responsibilities include maintaining the fleet, ensuring that all vehicle liveries meet the highest standard, and that they are deployed effectively to meet the needs of the county's various departments. 

I work closely with other administrators to ensure that the fleet supports their operational needs, whether for law enforcement or other county functions.